Friday, August 08, 2008

A little bit of fat can cause big problems, if you let it!

Last night, I cooked a roast. I usually start them off by putting a little bit of water in the pan. This renders the fat out and means the meat is not drowned in it.
I have not been functioning too well in the brains department at times of late, as I am still trying to come to terms with the death of my mother. I can only offer that fact as an excuse for what I did last night. I removed the lid of the roasting pan and let it crisp up the meat, as it would otherwise have been 'stewed'. I later took the meat out and , wait for it, tipped the liquid down the sink!!! I then returned the meat to finish cooking.
This morning, the Man About the House was getting ready to wash the dishes, something he has done for some time, as I can not stand for long because of my bad back. I was in the sitting room, doing the crosswords, and heard him splashing water. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, in a very grouchy manner, "I am getting the water out of the sink so I can unblock it. It is not a good idea to pour fat down the sink!" OOOPS!!!
You would have thought it was the worst crime in all creation from his tone of voice. He is sulking too. Can't stand bullies. I am usually very careful NOT to do that, but hey, I am only human. It is the FIRST time he has had to unblock the sink in the nearly thirty two years we have lived here.There was not a lot of fat, but it would appear it does not need much to block the pipes.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Not the nicest of jobs to have to handle. Anyway, he'll get over it. One day.