Friday, May 09, 2008

Humans. We're funny/strange creatures.

I thought i would note down some of the odd things people have said to me, or I have seen them do.
Last week, an elderly couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. I happened to walk down the street, something I have not been able to do for some time. I passed their house on the way home, and as the lady was in the front yard, I stopped to chat, and congratulate her on the occasion. I said it was a wonderful achievement, and wished them well. I then said,"1948 was a good year," and she said, "Was that the year you got married too?" I laughed and said, "No, that was the year I was born." She must have felt a bit silly for her faux pas, but we do these things and wonder at our stupidity.
This week I was in hospital overnight, as I had to have day surgery on Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, the RN in the day surgery recovery room rang my husband to tell him I was ready to go home. An hour later he had still not arrived, so she rang him again. Five minutes later, Linda, the ward clerk brought him in to where I was waiting. He told me later that when he came to collect me the first time, he went into the ward where I had been, but of course I was not there. He then asked one of the nurses where I was. She said I was still in theatre, so he went home. The second time, a nurse asked if he was looking for Mrs. Plumb. He said "No, Ham." She said there was no-one there by that name. Linda must have happened along at this point, and brought him to me. When Linda rang the next day to see if I was OK, I told her about this, and she said they did have a patient called Mrs Plumb. I don't know the lady.
Yesterday, while I was doing my shopping, I was walking down an aisle, keeping to the left, as there was a young woman coming the other way, with a small child in the trolley. Next thing, and elderly woman came barreling down the aisle, head down and going full steam ahead. She never had any intention of stopping, so the young mum had to back pedal to avoid a collision.
As we passed each other, I pulled a face, and said, "Oh, excuuuse me!" She just laughed. When I told the check out operator, she said there is one old woman who rides a Gopher/motorised scooter through the forecourt and around the supermarket, at top speed, and is a bloody menace to everyone. She said if she hit someone, it could be very serious.
It appears thoughtlessness is not just the perogative of the young.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

At one of the Boy's birthday parties Miky asked one of the invitees' fathers if he was the boy's grandfather. No coming back from that faux pas.