Sunday, April 20, 2008

The wheels grind sloooowly.

It is one of life's little irritations, but, government departments are never in a hurry to oblige us with what we require. I am referring to the massive procrastination of our local library staff in obtaining a car manual for me, so Neville could fix my side window. I inquired about the availability of one in January. After numerous inquiries, I finally got it last Friday, nearly four months after I first asked about it. Our local library did not have a copy on their shelves, and several others who did, were loath to lend it out outside their district.
I am pleased to say my window now works quite well, though I have to be careful when winding it up, as it is still a bit stiff. Neville had the inside of my door off again this morning, so he could fix the wing mirror which was very loose. That also is fixed. It would have been great if we could have had this done earlier, as it would have been nice to have been able to get some breeze in the hot weather.


Hammy said...

I think you need to look in another chapter for how to fix the grinding wheels. It won't be in the same area as the window.

Susan Ham said...

Very funny, very droll. Ha, ha.