Monday, April 14, 2008

Surprise visitors.

Yesterday, I was in the process of defrosting one of the freezers. I happened to be at the sink, when I noticed a lady outside. She looked at me and smiled and waved. I thought she was my friend Sue, then I realized she looked nothing like her. It dawned on me that she was my brother-in-law's lady, Margaret. I was surprised to see them, as I had not expected them to be in the vicinity this weekend. They had been to stay with his eldest son and his family. Peter usually lets us know when he will be in town. This was shortly after lunch. It was a pleasant surprise of course. They came in and we chatted for a while, then I asked them if they were in a hurry to get home. They said not, (Margaret mad a joke about her curfew being 10.30, but that is another story.) so I invited them to stay for tea. Now, they have only had one meal with us and it was an unqualified disaster.
I decided I could not go wrong with mornay and apple crumble. Wrong! I am still not au fey with the workings of my oven, and what temperature to set it at, so of course I burned the topping on the apple crumble. I was lucky enough to be able to scrape the burnt stuff off, and it did not taste burned, thankfully. Phew!!
After we had a cup of tea and a home made blueberry muffin, Peter and Margaret went to his daughter's place, but she was at work, so they did not stay long.
We filled in the time before tea chatting about all sorts. I was ready to dish up, and suddenly remembered I had not cooked any rice to go with the mornay. No problem, as it was only 5.30 anyway. We had tea, and they enjoyed it and said it was very nice.
I can't for the life of me understand why I make a cooking gaffe when they come for a meal, as I am quite a competent cook. Even great chefs, ( and I do not class myself as one,) have the odd disaster I guess.


Hammy said...

Murphy's about.

Susan Ham said...

Yes. He left me alone for quite a while.