Friday, May 21, 2010

The silly things some people do.

I am including myself in this group, as I , like everybody have done things when we have not been consentrating properly.
I had an appointment at the hairdresser this morning. Hubby drove me and then waited in the car. He had to go to the chemist nearby, and I was surprised that he was not in the car when I had finished. I waited about 15 minutes for him. He told me as we were driving home, that a lady was trying to put her key in the wrong car lock. I ascertained he meant our car. Her car was a Mazda further along the row of cars,,ours is a Ford.
I asked him if he was in the car at the time. He said he was. I can imagine how embarrassed she must have been when she realized her mistake and saw him, a total stranger, sitting there.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

I have never done anything this silly. She must have had a look of horror on her face when the realisation hit her.