Sunday, November 05, 2006

Guy Fawkes night

When I was young, many, many moons ago, on this night we would light bonfires and burn a 'guy', and let off crackers and rockets, and other fireworks. It has been fazed out, for the most part in this country, as it is at the wrong time of the year. It is essentially an English practice, and much safer over there, as they are coming into Winter. I believe it is still widely practiced in Britain. I just looked at the date on my computer, and realised this fact.
Today, we travelled to Keith, to pick up my single bed, as I had loaned it to Deb for her mother-in-law to sleep on, before she moved into her new house/flat. We were invited to have lunch with them, which made a nice change, and we could spend time with the children. We don't get to do that with Lachlan much.
We had roast chicken and veg, and gravy. I was not quick enough to say not to put gravy on mine, but, hey, it is only one time. I doubt that it will make much difference to my weight loss efforts.
Deb is far from well. She has had a very nasty chest infection, and now she has a sinus infection. As she is 18 weeks pregnant, the doctor is loath to give her Antibiotics. She looks as 'miserable as a Bandicoot'.
We had a pleasant time with them, and came home about 2pm. I am now doing the washing. It doesn't matter if it is not hung out today, I can finish doing that tomorrow.

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