Friday, July 21, 2006

Naracoorte Sojourn.

We went to Naracoorte today to do the rest of the fortnightly grocery shopping. Neville dropped me off at the supermarket, and went out to the farm. He fed the sheep some Barley, and did a few other jobs. (He says he can't remember what, exactly?!) We have three dozen lambs, three sets of twins. The first ones are a month old, and he will have to tail them soon. I did the shopping, and had them put it out the back to be collected later. Then, I struggled down the hill to the main street and did some other errands. Chemist, video shop where I ordered Pretty Woman, then to the 'el cheapo' shop to buy paraphanalia for making cards, amongst other things. Then I struggled back up the hill, to find Neville waiting for me. He was earlier than he thought he would be. I sent him in to pick up the groceries. He said the girl asked him where they were. Were they at the deli? He said, no, they would be out the back somewhere. Duh! It was only 11.25 am, and I had no idea what he had planned to do for lunch, but it transpired he was planning on going to the pub. A different one this time. It was too early, so we sat in the car and chatted for a while. I was not too enamoured of the idea of the pub he had in mind, but decided to give it a go again. The last time we had lunch there, it was decidedly down at heel and scruffy, and the tucker was no better. This time it was not bad at all. Neville had the rissoles, onion gravy & mash. He said it was very nice. It looked it, too. I had three beef(mince) and spinich rolls. They were in puff pastry, and served with fries. (chips) Not bad, but nothing to write home about, either. We stopped at the post office, and he posted a letter for me. I was absolutely done up, and we came home. I slept all the way.
I bought some things for my mate, Sue, and rang her when we arrived home, and she said she would be here soon. That was three hours ago! Her daughter is a manipulative little minx, and makes use of her mother shamelessly. Sue babysits her daughter, and she shirks her parental duties whenever she can. She doesn't consider her mother at all. I daresay she will be here after tea, as there is nothing on 'the box' tonight.


Hammy said...

It's all go, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Only in fits and starts. My blogging history should tell you that.