Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pet peeve #6

I do not know about you, dear reader, but I get pretty ticked off when the TV chanels advertise a pregramme and then, on the day put someting totally different on.
Why go to the trouble of advertising it, writing up the blurb and then not sticking to the programme?
There may be a legitimate reason for the change, Maybe the programme did not arrive in time, so they had to use a sbstitute. I know there is also a disclaimer to the effect that they reserve the right to change programmes without notice to us, the viewing public. All the same, it is very annoying.
A similar thing occurred the weekend before last, when a totally new series was advertised, and it did not eventuate. They broardcast The Biggest Loser instead, for TWO HOURS!!!
Said series is supposed to air this week. Time will tell.
The other reason I get annoyed is because I set the VCR to record only to find when I sit down to warch what I thought I had taped, some hideous programme instead.
If we are not meant to tape/record these things, why do they sell us the devices so we can?

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