Monday, November 16, 2009

Pet Peeve #4.

My pet peeve No. 4 is:- People who ring, my mobile or house phone, and on realizing they have the wrong number, ask, "Who is that?" I always say, "You are ringing me, who did you want?" They then get very cagey, and ask again who it is, but I never give them the information.
Hullo people. If the person's voice who answers the phone is not familiar, you are not likely to know them, and it is pointless asking them to identify themselves.
Up here for thinking,( points to head,) down there for dancing, (points to feet.)
I am not about to give any info about myself to total strangers. Most of the time it is a genuine mistake, but sometimes they are just seeing if they can scam or scare someone. Not this little black duck!

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