Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pet Peeve #2. Bloody Capsicum!

I hate the stuff! Everywhere we go for a meal, the salads are slathered in the muck. If you purchase packaged meals, canned soups etc, they are loaded with the ghastly vegetable. I do not like it because, I can't stand the taste or the smell of it. It repeats on me for hours afterward.
I would like to think that the cooks, let's be realistic here, they can not be referred to as chefs, would have a bit more imagination when they are preparing food. I know that adding a diced red capsicum adds colour, but so do other vegetables, like tomatoes, peas and corn.Every salad, be it pasta, green, rice or coleslaw, none are exempt from the inclusion of this stuff. Which leaves the patrons with very little, if any choice. This is why I now choose to eat the hot veges, though they leave a lot to be desired. They show a similar lack of imagination and are never cooked properly. They are always half raw.
I am also well aware that the frightful things are loaded with vitamin C, but so are lots of other foods.
There is also the increase in food allergies. My beloved late mother, (and her three sisters,) was/are fatally allergic to the things. Why don't people who prepare food, do better research, and consider this aspect of the industry? Not to mention people like me who just loathe the bloody things!

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