Monday, July 25, 2005

Health cover

I have had private health cover for some years now, but was somewhat surprised to receive in the mail today from my Fund, an application for accident and accidental death cover. For a small premium I can be covered to the tune of $25.000.00 or $50.000.00, depending on how much I can afford to pay, for accidental death. I don't require any medical checks, I would not be covered if I have an accident, resulting in my being hospitalised or my death. on the day the cover commences. It is supposed to give me peace of mind that if I were to die, my family would not need to worry about my funeral expenses. The thing that gets my attention is this, the cover expires the day I reach the grand old age of 85! As reported in the press today, scientists are saying that the possibility of us living to 120 is not too far away. In the light of that news, the accident cover scheme sounds like throwing good money away to me.


Hammy said...

If you have no debts to pay off it probably isn't worth worrying about. But consider, if you are struck by an accident it isn't likely to strike right at the end of your lifetime.

Anonymous said...

God forbid that it happens at all!
Anything can happen at any time.