Monday, May 05, 2014

The return of the absent blogger!

It has been quite some time since I posted a blog. My PC had been out of action for three weeks, but that is not the reason for my absence. I had forgotten my password! After using my 'little grey cells' like the fictional, detective, Hercule Poirot, I found my way back.
We had the pleasure of a five day visit with our son and his son, from Perth, W.A. over the first week of the recent school holidays. We also had our daughter's eldest boy that week, too. The cousins are the same age, but very different in appearence. They were born the same day, but our son's wife is originally from South Korea. They boys and I played lots of Scrabble. Got thoroughly trounced by my son, as usual! They boys also played many games of Monopoly Empire. They had their laptops, and played on them, as well.
Another reason I have not been blogging is, it is so easy to write on my FB page.
That is all, for now. I will return soon.

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