Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pet peeve. #1.

I have many pet peeves, but I have to start somewhere. I have for many years, bemoaned the lack of colour in the Sunday Mail wedding photos. They used to be in full, glorious colour, but some years ago, the powers that be decided, for whatever reason, to print them in black and white. Bleew! The fact that the wedding pictures in Monday's Advertiser, which also prints tthe Sunday Mail, are stil in full, glorious colour, has baffled me. If they can afford to print Monday's pics in colour, why not Sunday's? The lack of colour is not restricted to this item. They also sometimes, print the Style Police in black and white. What, pray tell is the point? How are we to judge how awful or otherwise, the dresses etc are, if they are in black and white? There is no comparasin.
But, wait dear reader, it does not end there. For the last two or three weeks, the lift out in the Sunday Mail called, 'home' now has some pages of house interiors in black and white. Is this something to do with the economic downturn, or just penny pinching? The news paper moguls are not short of a 'Bob' or two, so why are they being mean spirited in these areas? How are we to properly assess the look of a house, or any other item, if we can not see it in colour? The world around us has never been in black and white, so why should these articles be? I am not saying every photo in the news papers should be in colour, but, just this sort of presentaion.
We have had coulour television since 1975, and I for one would not want to return to black and white viewing.

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