Monday, April 20, 2009

Snooping? Not a bit of it.

The other day I went looking for my spouse, and found him in the back yard next to the car. He was looking through the binoculars at our neighbour's place across the street.
I thought it was very odd, as he is not the type to 'spy' on our neighbours.To anyone else, it would have looked very suss, to say the least. I asked him what he was doing and he said that the chap over the road had picked all his apples, and that is why the parrots and other birds are congregating in our yard and eating our apples. Spouse is trying to keep ahead of the birds, and stewing apples and freezing them, but there are very few containers that are the correct size, as he does not want to defrost large quantities as he is the only one who eats them.
Funny thing happened yesterday. He has been saving the margerine containers for the apples as they are just the right size. He froze the latest batch on Saterday. Yesterday morning he was looking for the margerine. I knew it was a fresh one and we hunted through the fridge to no avail. Then I had a brainwave. I said, "I bet I know what has happened. You have put the margerine back in the freezer by mistake when you put the apples in. I will bet you anything that is what you have done" Sure enough, he had done just that. I should have had money on it! Darn it!

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