Friday, February 15, 2008

Where do they find 'em?

Yesterday, while in Naracoorte, I was going to do an errand for my daughter, when my spouse asked me if I would put a prescription in at the chemist for him, as I was going past it anyway. I asked which one he preferred, there are two, and he said the one we were parked behind would do. I duly entered said premises, and was approached by a young female assistant, who asked what she could do for me.I said I would like the script made up for my husband. She asked if I had had scripts done there before. I told her, yes, but this was not mine, it was my husband's. She then asked if I had my Medicare card, or my pension concession card. Once again I told her it was not my prescription, and that information should be on the script. All this time she had not once looked at the script. I walked back to the counter, as I had started to walk out the door to do my errand, and pointed to the script and asked her if the numbers she was asking about were on it, as I could not see them, as I am legally blind. At this point, one of the older shop assistants came over and pointed to the script and said "There is the Medicare number, and there is the concession number." She was a bit exasperated like me. I would appear it is easier to glean the relevant information from the customer, than it is to actually look for it. How some of these young people get the job in the first place I don't know. What gets me is, how they manage to keep them. Grrrr!

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Possible training issue with the employer, methinks.