Thursday, February 14, 2008

Methinks something got lost in translation.

I have just opened the box containing the wonderful foot spa my son and his family gave me for my recent birthday.
I was reading the instructions before using it. I was highly amused to read some of them, as they are reminiscent of those he has posted from other countries.
To wit:- If you are pregnant, consult your health care professional before using. Please explain.
Do not use appliance if you are SLEEPING or drowsy??? Is there some danger one would pitch forward and drown? One would need to be VERY small, and an acrobat.
Never leave an appliance unattended while in use! Bit difficult, as you have to sit down and have your feet in water.
Do not place the appliance on a gas flame or hot electric element, or on a heated oven. Do not place on top of any other appliance.
Do not let the power cord of the appliance hang over the table or bench top or touch any hot surface! The mind boggles! Where the heck are you going to be using the thing?
They say laughter is the best medicine, and I certainly had a good belly laugh over these.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

In this age of litigation you have to treat everyone like an imbecile to avoid getting sued when someone does some act that is bleedingly obviously wrong and hurts themselves in the process.