Friday, July 01, 2005


Well, here I go. I was not going to sully my Blog site with anything about Shane Warne, but the man should get a prize for his shenannegans, and his utterly selfish idiotic behaviour. Why do people in the public eye think no-one is watching and thinking if they do it, it must be OK? I cannot for the life of me see what these women find so irresitable about him. Is he so self absorbed he can't understand that there are youngsters who look up to him, and therefore he should be setting an exemplary example to them on how to conduct youself in public & in privete? I feel soo sorry for his wife & children. He seems to think he can have his cake and eat it too. When you marry you are supposed to remain faithful to your spouse. If you can't, then you should not marry at all. It is so hurtful and humilliating for the families.


Hammy said...

For nearly 10 years he has been able to have his cake and eat it. The wife is somewhat to blame here. But, I feel much sorrier for her than him. He is just a sorry man, whether he knows it or not.

Anonymous said...

After seeing them all lovey dovey in the papers this morning, one wonders what the true state of play is with them.