Saturday, September 27, 2008

Just as well he isn't a Barber!!

The Man About the House has got the renovation 'bug'. We have a verandah that has green shade cloth on it, and it has been looking very sad for quite some time now. It has come away from the facia boards and needed seeing to. Yesterday, he started painting the facia boards. There is just one small problem. I have Ivy growing up on one end of the verandah and it was covering the facia board. The boards need to be painted so as to prevent further deterioration, and they all need to be done at the same time. I have been loath to let his loose with the clippers, as he HATES my plants with a passion, and decimates them, without so much as a tiny regret.
I was therefore in a no win situation, and had to agree to let him trim the Ivy.
I was not at all surprised when I saw the results of his handy work! There is not much of the Ivy left, but that is just what I expected.
It did need trimming but, NOT hacking!There was of course, no point in kicking up a fuss. As this is what he does to plants, it is just as well he is not a barber.


Hammy said...

Never trust a farmer with a chainsaw.

Susan Ham said...

His philosophy is, if it moves shoot it, if it doesn't, chop it down.