Friday, September 21, 2007

Lucky Find.

Last Saturday morning, the man about the house walked out to a seed merchant's, to see about the price of some Millet seed, as he wants to sow some on the farm. He found a credit card wallet full of cards for various banks and other organizations, The name on them rang a bell, so I made some phone calls, one to my son in Perth. I asked him for the phone number of the mother of one of his best friends, as she had remarried, and her husband's name was the same. There was also a Golf Club Membership card for the town where they live. I put two and two together and came up with four. Bingo! It turned out the chap had lost them the day before and, as he is a Veterinarian, and one of the cards was govt issue, I knew he would be very relieved to get them back. He happened to be working here at the local meat works, and his wife gave me his mobile number, so I rang him. He came and picked them up when he finished at lunch time that day. He has just arrived on our doorstop bearing a gift of potted tulips as a thank you for us returning the cards. I was overwhelmed and told him it was not necessary to have done anything like this, as we were only too happy to be able to restore his property to him. He came in and met Neville and thanked him also.


Hammy said...

Nice to get something when you weren't expecting it. You forgot to mention that he lives a couple of hundred kilometres away too which makes it all the more amazing.

Susan Ham said...

I don't have to. You have done it for me. Anyway, he bought them from the local plant place.