Friday, March 09, 2007


Today has been a joyous day for me. I have had the great pleasure of a visit from our friends from Queensland, to lunch. They are touring around the country, staying with family, and looking after grandchildren etc, for the last two months. We have not seen them for almost a year. When they came last year, I was not prepared for them, even though I knew they were coming, but not for sure that particular day, or what time. When they arrived, I had nothing ready for lunch and Pauline and I had to go to the bakery for supplies. I was NOT going to make that blunder this time!
Pauline and I met 31 years ago, when we were doing a First Aide course at the local ambulance centre. We hardly see each other now they live in QLD. That has been 20 years or more.
Pauline is a very special person, and is a wonderful friend. She is always there for me if I need a shoulder to cry on, or just some-one to chat to if I am lonely or happy.
I made beef goulash and mashed potatoes, and fresh fruit salad and icecream/cream.
There was also fresh home baked wholemeal bread. It all went down very well with them
I had said last weekend, when I contacted her, that they would probably be eating cold meat and salad. But, as I have been trying to lose weight, I am heartily sick of that fare, so made something different. Yumm!

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