Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tourism Promations

I may be about to reveal my prorochialism, but it can't be helped. (unless of course, I were not to write about this topic at all) I have been somewhat upset and annoyed be the way in which our tourism committee has chosen to promote this district in one instance.
I had occasion to use the public toilets a couple of weeks ago, and was not impressed by the advertising on the back of the toilet door. They have placed a clear plastic casing on the door, with pictures and some promotional wording. It is this wording that has 'got my goat'. It says, and I quote, 'Don't sit around, get off your bum and discover what the Tatiara has to offer.'
I bumped into the tourism lady this morning at the post office. I said I had a small bone to pick with her, and made known my feelings and concerns about this advertising. I said it was not an image of this district or it's residents that I thought was appropriate. I said it would , in my opinion, give visitors the impression we are all unsophisticated country yokels. Hay seeds, in fact.
This is not the case for the large majority of locals, and I do not like the idea that people would go away from here thinking we are, and laughing about us. I said there was no need to use such language to get people to stay a while.
Now, there are some of you out there who would say to me,; get over yourself. lighten up.' Well you are entitled to your opinion. I just think we should be promoted in the best possible way.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Easter Hamper Fiasco.

Last year, I ordered and began payment for, an Easter Treats Hamper. I got one the year before and was most satisfied with it. It was delivered on time so I was able to send some of the contents to far flung family members, including my sister in Wales.
A couple of weeks ago, I was advised by letter, that this year's was being delivered once again, by Australia Post.
So far, so good. I was given the dates 13.3.07 to 16.3.07, as the 'window' for when to expect to take delivery.
As I had to sign for it, I endeavoured to be here until midday, to make sure to be available as the parcel postie has all his parcels delivered by then.
I was further advised in the letter, that if it was not delivered by the last date, to ring them. I rang at about 4pm. The company is in Sydney, and it may as well be on the moon as far as the cityites are concerned.I explained my dilemma to the nice young lady who took my call. She made no attempt to try to trace the thing, but put me on hold while she spoke to her supervisor. She came back, and informed me, that as it was not yet 5pm, there was still a possibility that it would be delivered that day, or the next, which was Saterday. I told her I live in a country town and the parcels are all delivered by noon, and we have not had Saterday deliveries for nearly 30 years.
This information failed to register with her way of thinking.I was then advised to ring on Monday if it had not arrived.
We had friends to stay over the weekend, and Monday, and on Tuesday my friend Sue took me to meet my new grand-daughter. The hamper had still not arrived, so I rang again and got a young man who could hardly speak English, and this made it very difficult to get my message across. He told me there would need to be an investigation and this would take time. I would just have to wait.
It is now a week later than the last day for delivery, and guess what, still no hamper. I rang AGAIN this afternoon, and was cheerily informed that another one had been sent on Wednesday and should be here no later than next Thursday.Why the h..l couldn't someone have rung me and told me?? I made the comment to Nathan, that the reason they send the hampers two weeks before Easter, is so people can send some of the contents to family that are far away. No response whatever! I was so incensed that I sat down and wrote a letter and let them know, without being rude or abusive, that I am not a happy customer, and if an apology for the distress and inconvenience was not forthcoming, I was seriously thinking of not continuing to buy their (damn) hampers.
Watch this space!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mere Male.

Never thought I would see the day that I wrote about a 'Mere Male' happening relating to my spouse, but can't resist this one.
Last week, we were having a bit of a problem with small flies, as it is still quite warm for the time of year. Spouse was eating his evening meal in the usual place, in front of the box. I heard a Pssst, sound, & went to investigate. I could not see the fly spray, but the can of non stick cooking spray in the lounge room. As I came into the kitchen, I saw that both the cans of fly spray were on top of the freezers where I had put them. I said it was time he got new spectacles, as he had used the wrong spray! He looked suitably embarrassed. I had to beat a hasty retreat, as I cracked up laughing.
Some mothers do 'ave 'em!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Friends to stay

The title is in a sense, a play on words, as the folk who stayed with us are Mr. & Mrs Friend.Pauline and I have been friends for 31 years. They called in the previous weekend for a 'cuppa and catch up,' as we had not seen them for some time.
Last Saterday evening, I was talking to my sister-in-law, Maureen, when I heard an incoming call beep, as I have call waiting on my phone. I did not know what to do, as I have not spoken to Maureen for a while, but the decision was taken out of my hands, as my mobile rang. It was Pauline, and she wanted to know if they could stay the night on Sunday, as they had to go to Adelaide. When they left here last week, they went to Kingston, and were then going back via Melbourne, to Townsville,where they live.
I said that would be fine, as I would put them on the sofa bed here in my study.
It turned out they had bought a car trailer on eBay, and had to go to Adelaide to pick it up. They are touring in their motor home, but have bought a small Suzuki car for when they arrive at a new destination, so they don't have to lumber around in the motor home, but they did not have a trailer for towing it.The car is at their daughter's home in Melbourne. I think.
It was fantastic to see them again, and spend more time with them.
My husband is a diabetic, and goes for a 3km walk every night, so keep fit, and keep the disease from progressing. He didn't say he was going, and Robin came in shortly after he had left and asked if he had gone for a walk. We said he had. He said he would have gone with him if he had known. Robin has not been very well, so Neville probably didn't think he would feel up to it. When Neville returned, Robin said he would have gone with him, had he known. Neville said he would go round again, as he didn't mind the walk.
Pauline and I played two games of Scrabble, and I won both. Haven't done that for some time.(Won, I mean.)
I loaned them my Adelaide street directory so they could find the place. It turned out to be one or two streets away from my sister.
They called in here for a cuppa again, and we gave them some grapes off the vine and some Granny Smith apples. I had also made them a loaf of wholemeal bread, as Robin had said the night before that it was 'good stuff'. He said that it was great, and they would come back again, Pauline said but not this year!

Willow Kate.

Well, today I have met my brand new grand-daughter. My friend Sue and I, traveled to Keith today, and visited my daughter and her family. Willow was only born on the sixteenth, but she and her mother came home from hospital in Adelaide yesterday.
Willow is a beautiful baby, and seems quite placid. Deb rang me this morning to ask if I could buy her some bottle brushes. I asked her if she needed anything else, and she said,' only a sleeping pill for the baby.' I gather from that, the baby has not settled in to her new surroundings. Early days yet.Deb asked me if i could get her some bibs out of a catalogue, but I got some from Foodland, and they were cheaper.
I nursed Willow for quite a while, while Sue had a cup of coffee.We took some photos, and I gave Deb some flowers and other gifts, plus a big box of Ferero Rocher chos, and a card I had made for the occasion. When we left, we went to one of the bakery cafes and had lunch. Then we mooched around in some of the shops. We went into The Green Frog, which sells organic produce, and I bought some cheese. Sue bought two organic bananas. She paid nearly as much as she would have for a kilo of ordinary ones! I hope they were worth the money.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bossy business people make me mad!

Today we traveled to Naracoorte to do the grocery shopping. I have been losing weight over the last six months, but feel that I have struck a plateau, and am very concerned that I will start to regain what I have lost, which would be devastating.
I have sought advice from a friend as to what if anything , I could do to prevent this happening. She suggested some herbal suppliments, and I duly went to the Health shop in Naracoorte to purchase something.
I have had 'run ins' with the proprietor before, so was not surprised when she tried to force her preferences on me.
She did not do me the courtesy of allowing me to know what I could or could not do it the way of exercise etc.
She also told me I should not use artificial sweetener, as she said it produces Formaldahide in the liver, and is therefore toxic. As I have no idea if this is true, I can not know if I should desist from taking it. She said there is a natural one that I could use. I preempted her and asked if she was referring to Stevia. She said she was. I told her emphatically that I had tried it, and it was disgusting. She thought I should be able to sit in a chair and do light weight lifts. I said, no, as my shoulders are stuffed. What about Pilates, she said, No, my back is stuffed and so are my knees. I would not be able to get down on the floor, let alone get back up!
This went on for about 20 mins, and she said I had very rigid mind sets, meaning I was not open to suggestions. She also told me I should not be eating bread or any other carbs, as well. I think I know what I can do that is not going to do more damage. If I do not know my body and it's limitations, then who does?

It's a Girl, It's a Girl, It's a Girl!!!

Our first, and probably only , granddaughter, was born today. My daughter has had three spectacular deliveries. They have all made a 'Grand Entrance' into the world, because it has been necessary for mother and child to be air lifted to Adelaide, for various reasons, for the births.
They are both safe and well, much to the enormous relief of their mum and grandma.
I will keep you posted.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Today has been a joyous day for me. I have had the great pleasure of a visit from our friends from Queensland, to lunch. They are touring around the country, staying with family, and looking after grandchildren etc, for the last two months. We have not seen them for almost a year. When they came last year, I was not prepared for them, even though I knew they were coming, but not for sure that particular day, or what time. When they arrived, I had nothing ready for lunch and Pauline and I had to go to the bakery for supplies. I was NOT going to make that blunder this time!
Pauline and I met 31 years ago, when we were doing a First Aide course at the local ambulance centre. We hardly see each other now they live in QLD. That has been 20 years or more.
Pauline is a very special person, and is a wonderful friend. She is always there for me if I need a shoulder to cry on, or just some-one to chat to if I am lonely or happy.
I made beef goulash and mashed potatoes, and fresh fruit salad and icecream/cream.
There was also fresh home baked wholemeal bread. It all went down very well with them
I had said last weekend, when I contacted her, that they would probably be eating cold meat and salad. But, as I have been trying to lose weight, I am heartily sick of that fare, so made something different. Yumm!