Saturday, October 22, 2005

Post Op surprises. Nasty & Pleasant.

Last Wednesday morning, I had another Arthroscopy. This was on my left knee. I had a small tear in the Anterior Meniscus, a small ammount of Arthritis, and my knee cap needed at least a third scraped off, as it was deteriorating and ragged. As I had terrible trounle and excruciating pain for months after the last one, I was not looking forward to the post op period. I was therefore, pleasantly surprised and greatly relieved to know the extent of damage was nowhere near as bad, and I could walk almost normally the next day. I had been walking on it, to go to the loo etc, but not any great lengths. The physio was very chuffed with how well I was able to walk too, which is a greast boost to one's confidence. My Quads were very stiff for about 24 hours, but seem to be OK now. Last time, I had to put a long plastic bag over my puncture wounds when I had a shower. This time I only have Bandaides covering the wounds. Much better! I remarked to my husband last night, that #1 son-in-law, was VERY surprised to see me walking so freely, just 24 hrs postop. He laughed and said, 'I think everybody was.'
The next BIG thing is for me to shift some of this lard I have been carrying around for far too long. Not an easy task at the best of times, but now that I cannot exercise, nigh on impossible. But I am nothing if not determined when the need arises. I will just have to pschyc myself up, or suffer the consequences. A daunting prospect.


Hammy said...

Go get 'em.

Anonymous said...

Gimme time, gimme time!