Monday, June 13, 2005

Princess or not a Princess?

In The Advertiser (Adelaide Daily) today, is a list of the Royal Family and where they rank after the Queen. Somehow Camilla has been ranked lower that The Princees Royal,(Princess Anne,) even though she is married to the Prince of Wales. Camilla is not classed as a princess, only a Duchess.I suspect this is becaus certain members of the family baulked at the idea of having to curtsy to Camilla, as the second Lady of the land. She is even ranked lower that Princess Alexandra, the Queen's cousin.Camilla probably does not give a hoot, as she is a very down to earth person.But it smacks of a snub to her in my book.


Hammy said...

This is turning into the "I love Camilla" blog. You are her number one supporter. Nice to see that the Royal Family can still make up the rules as they go along. No better than having a democratically elected government. All a bunch of losers anyway.

Anonymous said...

I refute your assertion that I am Camilla's #1 fan, I just like to see everyone get a fair go regardless of who they are.