Saturday, February 19, 2005


In the imortal words of Ebenezer Scrooge, Bah, Humbug! I am NOT a sports fan. I am not all that interested in the Olympics either, apart from the swimming & diving. The reason is simple. I have been nearly blind all my life, though only legally blind for the last 21years. I was a natural at sport, but not quick enough for competition sport like Netball, or Basketball as it was known in my youth I could not focus on the ball and react quickly enough.. It is therefore, irksome in the extreme that there is so much sport on telly. It is even more so, when any decent programme gets 'hijacked', because the TV channels want to broadcast a sporting event that has not been advertised in the guide. Not being in the business, I neither know or care about the ratings. When our son, the Frugal Bastard, was younger, he played cricket & football. He was a natural & very good. I could not enjoy watching him, as I could not see him properly. I can only watch so many videos & DVDs, as they get boring if repeated too often, no matter how much I love them. Now it seems, we are to get even more of the bloody cricket, if the twenty20 matches catch on!

1 comment:

Hammy said...

You forgot to mention soccer, squash, golf, hockey - although I didn't play all of these when I lived at home.

Mister Big Head